MA Homeowners Insurance: Making Your Home Energy-Efficient

Depending on the age of your home, you might be losing money each month on utility costs and not even know it. There are certain services that every homeowner should know about that will help them maintain the value of their property and ensure the safety of everyone who lives in the home. Your New Bedford home insurance agency can offer insight and information that will help you learn about repairs and updates that you can do to lower the cost of your MA homeowners insurance policy. It is essential to maintain proper home insurance in New Bedford to protect your investment. You can get a FREE home insurance quote when you contact Borden Insurance in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

Quick Fixes for Energy Efficiency

You can do a few things around the house on your own to help reduce costs for utilities used in heating and cooling your home. Learn more about thermostat control and drop your average temperature by just three to five degrees to reduce your demand for energy and lower your monthly bill. Studies show that this small effort can reduce your energy bill by as much as 5-15 percent each year. Other quick fixes include installing low-flow showerheads, reduced-water flushing mechanisms in toilets, and limiting the use of space heaters during cool weather. While many people think of electricity and gas when they consider efficiency, reducing your water consumption is also valuable.

Composting can reduce the amount of waste your household produces while providing you with an organic fertilizer that can be used on your lawn or garden. Taking time to seal your windows and doors will help to create a thermal barrier that prevents warm air from getting out in the winter and cold air from getting out in the summer. Check your home for unnecessary waste in the form of lights that don’t need to be on during the day, vents that can be closed for rooms not being used, and wasted water situations caused by bad habits. Letting the water run while you shave or brush your teeth can amount to a significant cost and loss of local freshwater. Studies conducted by the EPA reveal that the average household could save approximately $170 each year by making small changes to water usage.

Some other energy and water-wasting things to look for include:

  • Zombie electronics and chargers that continue to consume energy even while not in use – consider unplugging or turn off at the source to prevent electrical use – they can account for as much as ten percent of your monthly energy bill!
  • Hot water washing wastes energy and can be harsh on certain fabrics. Help your clothing to last longer and wash in cold or warm water. Studies show these habits can save a significant amount of energy.
  • Incandescent light bulbs went out of style back in 2014, but many homeowners are still using them. Halogen bulbs, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and LED bulbs are not just brighter and longer-lasting but are more energy-efficient overall. You could stand to save a lot on your monthly bill just by updating your bulbs.

Big Ideas to Increase Efficiency

In addition to all of these small, low-budget methods to reduce energy consumption and make your home more efficient, there are larger projects that can make an even more significant change to the way your home operates. Increasing attic insulation, sealing up air leaks, and getting your exterior wall insulation inspected could pay for itself in energy savings. Installing solar panels might be an option, depending on where you live. Make sure to research this energy opportunity and discuss any concerns about installation and coverage with your New Bedford home insurance agent.

Storm doors, storm windows, and energy star products can also make a big dent in your energy bills. Let your MA homeowners insurance agent know about any energy star upgrades that you make that might positively impact your coverage. HVAC preventive maintenance and tune-ups can help your equipment last longer and ensure that everything is working as efficiently as possible. If you make any other significant replacements, such as putting on a new roof, putting in new windows, or obtain an energy audit, make sure to discuss this with your insurance agent. You never know which improvements might lower your home insurance in New Bedford. If nothing else, a record of the upgrades will help you to be appropriately compensated in the event of a future claim.

Get a FREE Home Insurance Quote in New Bedford

If you are interested in getting a FREE quote for New Bedford home insurance, contact Borden Insurance by calling 508-999-3636. We can answer any questions you might have about home insurance in New Bedford and the surrounding area or provide you with the information you need to update your current policy. Call today and see why so many locals have trusted Borden Insurance since 1909 to provide them with quality MA homeowners insurance and vehicle coverage.