Mid-Winter Inspections: New Bedford Home Insurance Coverage

New Bedford home insuranceWhile it still seems like spring is millions of miles away, it’s a good idea to start performing mid-winter inspections to ensure that your home is holding up well this season. Even in the years when New England doesn’t receive a ton of snow and ice, there’s still a lot of cold weather, rain, and wind to contend with for several weeks at a time. Your local insurance agency in New Bedford wants to remind you that the more you can do to prevent small issues from becoming big problems, the less likely it will be that you’ll have to submit a claim. Prevention is key when it comes to your Massachusetts home insurance policy. Take time to meet with your New Bedford home insurance provider at Borden Insurance to discuss your MA homeowner’s insurance policy and make sure you have the best coverage to address your changing needs.

Perform a Plumbing Check-Up

One of the most damaging aspects of winter is water, including melting snow and ice, as well as issues with plumbing leaks, frozen pipes, and other issues. It’s a good idea to check your plumbing – both inside and out – and look for possible leaks and damage. If you see anything that doesn’t seem right, a puddle in the basement drips by access points or water that is not being adequately moved away from your home, contact a professional right away. Effective drainage must be established to protect your home when things begin to thaw. If you already see water near your home’s foundation at the mid-winter stage, just imagine how much more water might be present and potentially seep into your home in the spring.

Other Major Systems in Your Home

In addition to plumbing and making sure that exterior drainage is working correctly, other systems should be checked regularly, as well. Electrical outlets and the items that we plug into them are often a primary cause of a fire. Check to ensure outlets are not overloaded and that all wires, plugs, and outlet covers are in good shape. Take time to test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure that they are working as they should. Winter is a great time to go around and check all of the windows and doors to make sure that there aren’t any drafts. Considerable energy savings can be achieved with a proper seal. In many instances, simple caulking and sealing will do the trick. Switch out the air filter in your HVAC and check dryer filters to make sure that there is not a build-up of lint.

Exterior Home Inspection

Another area that you want to pay special attention to that is a frequent cause of claims against a Massachusetts home insurance policy is the exterior areas, including roofing, siding, and other elements. When it is safe to do so, take a look at your gutters and downspouts to make sure they are free of debris. This is also a great time to make sure that there hasn’t been any damage caused by the weight of snow or ice throughout the winter. If there is still snow on the roof, make sure you don’t have a situation that might result in an ice dam, which can lead to significant damage. If you make any improvements in these areas, including a brand new roof, major roof repair, gutter guards, new gutters and downspouts, or improved insulation and ventilation in your attic, let your New Bedford home insurance agent know so it can be noted in your file.

Take Good Care of Your Home

There is a common saying that is applied to many different things like homes, cars, and even physical fitness: if you take care of it, it will take care of you. The more you can do to inspect, maintain, and perform preventive services to your home, the better experience you will have as a homeowner. Getting quality protection through a trusted insurance agency in New Bedford is an excellent first step, but other responsibilities cannot be neglected. Annual inspections by professional contractors of all major systems, bi-annual cleanings of HVAC equipment and other essential systems, and other contracted services can all help to keep your home in excellent shape for many years to come. While the homeowner can do some of the work, most of the services required should be done by a licensed, insured, and reputable professional.

Another great way to protect your home is to work with a reputable insurance agency in New Bedford for your MA homeowners insurance coverage. Take time out to go over your existing Massachusetts home insurance policy at least once a year and contact your New Bedford home insurance agent whenever you do a significant upgrade or make a major purchase for your home. Contact Borden Insurance to speak with an agent or get a FREE QUOTE for home and auto insurance in the SouthCoast area by calling 508-999-3636.