Homeowners in Massachusetts: Protect Your Home When on Vacation

New Bedford homeowners vacation tipsReviewing your Massachusetts homeowner’s policy probably won’t be high on your list of priorities when you’re planning a vacation, but it is necessary. It is wise to consider ways to prepare your house to lessen dangers connected with trips away from home, whether they are short weekend getaways or longer, more extensive arrangements. Massachusetts residents should always be on guard against security risks and other concerns that may arise from leaving their houses unattended for extended periods of time, regardless of the season.

Proactively Protect Your Home

It is said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Have you ever heard this saying? What this implies is that you may save time and money in the long run by being well-prepared for possible problems before they arise, rather than rushing to address each one as it arises. Taking a vacation is all about unwinding, so it’s important to get a head start by making sure you’re ready for your trip. That way, you can enjoy your time away from home without stress. Although there is no foolproof method to guarantee that you will not encounter any issues while you are away, you can certainly lessen the likelihood of this happening by implementing preventive steps.

Make sure you have enough coverage under your Massachusetts homeowner’s policy before you leave town by reviewing your policy documents. Make sure your New Bedford home, property, and possessions are protected by your home insurance policy before you leave. Now is a good moment to take stock of your possessions and write down anything of value. Taking pictures of your possessions and adding them to a list is something that many home insurance brokers suggest. Creating a video tour of your house is another good method to keep track of your possessions; this will be useful in the event that you ever need to file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance company. Submit a duplicate to your insurance agent in New Bedford, keep it in a secure location, or bring it with you when you go.

Prevent Fires and Freezing While You’re Away

Turn off all electronics that you won’t be using while you’re away, including fans, lights, TVs, and microwaves. During the winter months, in particular, be sure to turn off the water at the main valve to your house. The freezing and subsequent rupture of a pipe carrying water might result in hundreds—if not thousands—of dollars worth of damage. No matter how long you intend to be away from town, you still need to turn off your furnace. The rapid freezing of those pipes might cause extensive water damage to your home in the event of a furnace or thermostat failure.

Before winter sets in, check that your water lines are completely dry. Make sure there is no standing water by opening all the faucets and draining the water lines, including the ones from your ice maker and refrigerator water dispenser.

It doesn’t matter what time of year you’re going on vacation; just be sure to lower the thermostat a bit. Maintain a wintertime temperature of 55 degrees and a summertime temperature of around 78 degrees. In the case of a heat wave, this will protect your home and possessions from the elements.

Make Your Home Appear Occupied

Intruders will hunt for specific indicators that you are leaving the area, even if it’s only for the weekend. Thieves will be less likely to target your home if you know how to keep it from seeming unoccupied. When you’re out of the house, turn on the outside lights, particularly those at the front entrance. Use motion detectors to activate the lights at certain times of day, or set them on a timer.

To further create the illusion of occupancy, you might want to leave a few lights on timers throughout the house. One further approach to fool the system into thinking someone is home is to use a timer. Verify that you have securely closed and secured any doors, windows, and other entry points. Make sure you take the key out of its hiding spot — behind the doormat, on the ground, or somewhere else — and instead leave a spare key with a reliable neighbor.

Outdoor Considerations

The help of your neighbor might be invaluable when you’ll be away from town for an extended period of time. Notify a neighbor or two of your plans to be away from town so that someone may check on your home. While you’re away, have a neighbor or friend take out the trash and any fliers or mail that may have accumulated.

Before you leave town, mow the grass and prune any plants or trees, as the seasons change. Shovel the driveway and sidewalk before you leave for the day in the winter. If you want your lawn and snow shoveled while you’re gone, either ask a neighbor or pay a neighbor’s child to do it, or think about hiring a service.

Contact Your New Bedford Insurance Agent

Before you leave town, make careful to discuss your New Bedford homeowner’s insurance coverage with your local agent – you can reach Borden Insurance by calling 508-999-3636. If you do your homework, homeowners in Massachusetts may avoid the dangers of leaving the house unattended while away for a weekend, a week, or more. Get in touch with your New Bedford insurance agent if you need help understanding your coverage or want some advice on how to keep your house safe and secure.