Hire an MA Auto Insurance Agency for Best Winter Coverage

best winter coverage - car insurance in New BedfordDriving in New England in the winter can be hard for people who don’t have much experience with snow, high winds, and ice.  Practicing how to stop, speed up, slow down, and change speeds, as well as how to avoid a crash caused by the weather, can be very helpful. Winter wildlife, on the other hand, is one of the dangers that can be hard to plan for. Your insurance agent in New Bedford will tell how many accidents and claims are made because of deer in the Southcoast area. Make sure your car insurance policy in New Bedford is up-to-date and that you have Comprehensive (Part 9) coverage on Massachusetts car insurance policy.  Every couple of years, if not more often,you should talk to your New Bedford agent about your auto insurance to make sure everything is up-to-date and that your limits of insurance are adequate for you.

Insurance Companies in New Bedford

Even though no one can be ready for a deer to run out of the woods and across the road, the best thing you can do is make sure your car is ready for winter weather. During a snowstorm, it can be dangerous to drive on icy roads and highways. If you have to go out in bad weather and can’t just stay home, make sure your car is in the best shape possible to keep you safe. Before winter weather hits the Southcoast, use winter tires or replace your tires so you have enough traction. This may be an added expense but compare it to the cost of snow related accidents, injuries and the amount of time and hassle involved.  Also, keep a winter emergency car kit in your car with jumper cables, snow and ice scrapers, shovels, and extra clothes or blankets. You can also stay comfortable until help arrives with a first-aid kit, non-perishable food, and water bottles.

New Englanders who have lived there for a long time know to always keep their cars’ gas tanks at least half full in the winter. This will not only keep condensation from forming inside the tank and keep fuel lines from freezing, but it will also make sure you have enough fuel to keep the car warm if you get stuck in the cold. Before the first snow falls and all through the winter, make sure that none of your car’s other fluids are running low. Think about adding anti-freezing chemicals to your windshield wiper fluid and other important fluids in your car. Before you drive, make sure your car is completely free of snow and ice, and check that your lights and mirrors are working and set up right. The more you can do before you get behind the wheel, the better you’ll be prepared if a danger pops up in front of your car.

New Bedford Car Insurance Coverage

When animals get on the roads or even the sides of roads in Massachusetts, it can often be bad news. Even small animals can cause a lot of trouble if they get out on the road when it’s cold and snowy. Make sure you talk to your insurance agent in New Bedford about anything you might need to know about a collision with wildlife. Your New Bedford car insurance can help pay for damage caused by these kinds of accidents, but it’s best to know what to expect ahead of time. As long as your policy has Comprehensive coverage, most auto insurance policies in Massachusetts will cover damage caused by deer, moose, raccoons, coyotes, and bears, all of which can be found in different parts of the state. Even though most animals are most active at dawn and dusk, you can still see some on the roads in the middle of the day or in the middle of the night.

Auto insurance in New Bedford, MA, is meant to reimburse the car owner in case of an accident or other car-related problem but having the proper coverage parts of a policy is crucial.  There are two possible dangers when animals are on the road. The first is if the driver hits the animal, which often causes serious damage to the car and hurts or kills passengers. The second is when a driver swerves quickly to avoid hitting an animal on an icy road and ends up hitting another car or something fixed on public or private property. Make sure your car insurance in New Bedford is enough to protect you in these kinds of situations.

The Comprehensive portion of your policy (otherwise called Fire & Theft) covers damage to your car caused by hitting an animal or bird. The average cost of a crash caused by an animal can be more than $10,000. Statistics show that about 530,000 accidents involving animals happen every year in the United States.  Due to changes in weather patterns and a rise in the number of animals across the country, there were more than a million car accidents involving deer alone in one year. Call 508-999-3636 to get in touch with your Borden Insurance agent in New Bedford. We can go over your New Bedford car insurance policy with you and answer any questions you might have about coverage and driving in the winter. Get a free quote from Borden Insurance for auto insurance in Massachusetts.