New Bedford Homeowners Insurance: Protecting Your Investment

protect home investment in new bedfordEverything that you do for your home should be done with the idea of protecting or maintaining your investment. After all, for most individuals or couples, purchasing a home will be the most significant purchase of their lives. Home insurance in New Bedford can be customized according to your needs. Sure, there are minimum requirements that must be met to satisfy the lenders and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but beyond that, your homeowners insurance policy can include riders and coverage that addresses your unique requirements. It pays to work with a reputable agency for New Bedford homeowners insurance, such as Borden Insurance. We have proudly served the Southcoast communities with quality Massachusetts home insurance and automotive coverage since 1909.

Take a Proactive Approach to Home Maintenance

One of the ways that you can protect your investment is to become more proactive in the way that you approach maintaining your home. Preventive measures can be extremely beneficial, especially when it comes to the major systems of your home. Plumbing, electrical, and HVAC, as well as taking the initiative to check the roof, foundation, and entry points for wear and tear, can go a long way toward preventing many of the major incidents that can cause significant damage to your home. Annual inspections by a qualified, licensed, and insured contractor, as well as regular maintenance contracts for service, will protect you in the event of a claim against your homeowners insurance policy.

Having proof that you get regular roof inspections by a third-party provider will provide the information necessary to process a claim for roof damage caused in a storm. If you have not checked, maintained, cleaned, or repaired your roof in more than ten years, how can you be certain that it was the storm that caused the damage or sheer neglect? Your New Bedford homeowners insurance provider at Borden Insurance can answer any questions you might have about maintenance responsibilities when it comes to your Massachusetts home insurance policy. While most of it is basic common sense, a lot of new homeowners aren’t sure what they need to do to protect their homes. They don’t teach about annual inspections at school, so unless you have a parent or friend providing you with this information, you might not be aware of what is required.

Check Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Another thing that you should do as a homeowner in Southcoast is to regularly check and maintain your policy for home insurance in New Bedford. An annual checkup will ensure that you haven’t forgotten to add anything new that should be covered with your New Bedford homeowners insurance, such as upgraded kitchen countertops, a new alarm, and monitoring system, or the addition of new fencing. Many of these items are necessary to ensure that you are properly compensated if you experience a loss in the future. Others may directly impact your Massachusetts home insurance premium, providing discounts that can save you money over time. Any type of upgrade to security and monitoring, such as video cameras, improved secure lighting, and other technology, may be eligible for discounts.

Depending on the type of coverage that you have for home insurance in New Bedford, your agent may also ask you to keep a record of your other valuables in addition to your home. Jewelry, musical instruments, antiques, and artwork are just some of the things that could be covered in your policy. High-value pieces may require a separate rider or policy, such as very expensive diamonds or rare works of art. Your best bet is to contact your agent at Borden Insurance to discuss your needs. We can answer any questions that you might have about your existing homeowners insurance policy and provide you with information about increasing, expanding, or adjusting your coverage to meet your ever-changing needs. Contact our team today by calling 508-999-3636 and speak with one of our friendly agents about your Massachusetts home insurance coverage. Our goal is to help you protect your home and personal property investments, to ensure that your homeowners insurance policy provides you with the coverage that you need when and where you need it in the future.