New Bedford Car Insurance: Don’t Let Winter Damage Your Car

prevent winter vehicle damage in new bedfordCold temperatures and winter weather can really wreak havoc on your vehicle if you do not do something to prevent it. Living in New England during the winter months means learning all you can about how to protect your vehicle. Your New Bedford insurance agent can help you make sure you get the best rates on an auto insurance quote in Massachusetts. However, when it comes to the day-to-day care and protection of your vehicle, you need to do everything in your power to keep your car safe. Insurance companies in New Bedford, MA, like Borden Insurance, have been serving the local community for many years and can provide you with valuable tips that you can use to protect your vehicle from winter weather. Make sure you have the right coverage for New Bedford car insurance to safeguard your investment and personal transportation no matter the weather conditions.

Check Your Battery – Regularly

In other parts of the country, a simple battery check can be performed once or twice a year. However, in New England, this needs to be a regular check-up. Your battery will suffer a lot from the cold weather, which can significantly reduce its cranking power. Studies show that the average battery only has half the cranking power at zero degrees that it does on an 80-degree summer day. The best way to check your battery is to remove the plastic caps on the top to check the fluid level. Distilled water can be added if the fluid is low. Some batteries are “maintenance free” and feature a window at the top to show whether the battery is fully charged. Batteries that are more than five years old should be replaced. Most service stations and auto parts stores offer free battery testing, which can help give you peace of mind any time of the year.

Replace Your Wiper Blades – Twice a Year

Safety studies reveal that wiper blades should be replaced every six months – and perhaps even more if you live in severe weather conditions. Even the best-performing blades require regular replacement. Wiper blades are a life-saving feature of your vehicle and work to keep your windshield clean and free of snow, water, slush, and dirt. If you notice any missed areas or see streaks after using your wipers, it may be time to replace them. Do not use your wipers to remove ice from your windshield. Instead, keep an ice scraper handy and use it, along with any glass heating features in your vehicle, to melt and scrape away the ice before using your blades to remove the excess.

Basic Maintenance is Essential

Regular oil changes are important to the life and safe function of your vehicle, no matter what the weather is like outdoors. However, cold weather can make it even more essential to stay on top of this basic service requirement. Motor oil can thicken in cold weather, which makes it harder for your engine to turn over. No one wants to get stuck at the office or at the mall because their car won’t start, so it is crucial to keep up with basic maintenance and ensure that you have a good working battery to prevent this type of situation. Check the owner’s manual for your car or truck and make sure you are using motor oil that fits with the manufacturer’s recommendations. A multi-viscosity oil that has a “W” in the index, such as 5W-20, 10W-30, and so on, lets you know it is approved for winter use and can be used year-round.

Seasonal Tires in New England

Get your tires checked before winter weather hits and again throughout the season to make sure you’ll have enough traction to stand up to the snow and ice. Depending on where you live and the type of driving that you do, you might want to get winter or snow tires, which offer a better grip on the road. Speak with a trusted mechanic or tire professional to find out which tires would be best for your vehicle and your driving lifestyle. All-season tires might be all you need if you primarily drive in areas that get plowed frequently and don’t do a lot of country or mountain driving.

Get a FREE Quote on New Bedford Car Insurance

If you would like to speak with a professional New Bedford insurance agent to get an auto insurance quote in Massachusetts, contact Borden Insurance by calling 508-999-3636. We can answer any questions you might have about the various insurance companies in New Bedford, MA, that we work with and get you a FREE quote for the best price based on your unique needs and coverage requirements.