Seasonal Home Inspections: New Bedford Homeowners Insurance

New Bedford homeowners insuranceOne of the best things that you can do as a homeowner is to continually invest in the maintenance, repair, and safety of your property throughout the year. Seasonal home inspections can help you to achieve this goal, offering the opportunity to repair the damage before certain weather conditions hit the local area, which can cause even more complications. A leaky roof in the fall could turn into significant damage when the snow and ice of winter begin to melt. A rickety fence or wall on the property line might cause severe damage or liability under the weight of seasonal snow. Even landscaping elements, such as trees and shrubs, should be trimmed back correctly to prevent potential risk for damage to your property or neighboring properties during seasonal conditions.

Home Insurance in New Bedford

Your MA homeowners insurance policy does a lot to protect your real estate investment in the event of natural disasters, theft, and other common incidents. What it does not protect you from is your own neglect. Regular inspections, maintenance, and repairs of essential elements, including roofing, drainage, and major systems like electrical, plumbing, and HVAC, are required to fulfill the terms of your New Bedford homeowners insurance policy. Insurance companies in Massachusetts offer lots of helpful tips and advice on their website blogs to ensure that their customers know what is expected of them with regard to maintenance and repairs and so customers know what to anticipate in the event of a claim.

It is crucial to work with a New Bedford homeowners insurance company to provide you with the coverage you need to protect your home. Borden Insurance can offer a FREE quote on an MA homeowners insurance policy and help you find the best insurance based on your needs. As an independent insurance agency, we take the time to listen to our customers’ needs, ask questions, and share all of the options available through our cache of trusted insurance providers. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can answer questions regarding your home insurance in New Bedford and work through the claims process with you step-by-step to ensure the best possible results. Since 1909, Borden Insurance Agency has provided quality insurance products and advice to the Southcoast region of Massachusetts.

Fall Seasonal Maintenance Services

Throughout the year, there are certain types of maintenance and inspections that should be performed, as recommended by insurance companies in Massachusetts. The areas of concern are noted due to the high probability that those particular areas will require the most attention during the current season and the winter weather to come. The foundation and exterior of the home are of significant interest, as they will receive the most wear and tear during the winter season. Check the walls, floors, concrete, and masonry of your home’s foundation for any cracking, heaving, or deterioration. Have your chimney inspected and cleaned prior to use, repairing any missing mortar or deteriorated brick. Basements and crawl spaces should also be checked for leaks or moisture after wet weather.

Other exterior elements that should be inspected include roofing and all doors and windows. Check for evidence of water in the attic and ceilings, trim back all tree limbs and vegetation to protect the roofing, and inspect the flashing around all penetrations. Doors and windows should be checked to ensure weather stripping and caulking is in good condition between the wood and the masonry. Plumbing and HVAC systems should also be on your fall and winter seasonal list, ensuring that your septic system is cleaned and inspected every two years for good measure and that your HVAC preventive services are done before cold weather hits Southeastern Massachusetts.

Check Your MA Homeowners Insurance Policy

Another way to help protect your home is to work with insurance companies in Massachusetts that offer comprehensive coverage for the things that matter most. Borden Insurance Agency can help you to make sure you have the right New Bedford homeowners insurance policy for your needs. It is a good idea to review your coverage for home insurance in New Bedford and the surrounding Southcoast area at least once each year. You can call our team for an over-the-phone review or stop by our office in New Bedford to discuss your needs in person. Give us a call at 508-999-3636 to speak with one of our agents about getting a free quote or reviewing your MA homeowners insurance policy.