New Bedford Car Insurance and the Myth of All-Weather Tires

New Bedford car insuranceWhen it comes to winter weather in Southeastern Massachusetts, or anywhere you travel during the season, it pays to know the difference between all-weather and snow tires. Make sure to speak with your insurance agent in Massachusetts to discuss your options for New Bedford car insurance. At Borden Insurance Agency, we can answer any questions that you might have about auto insurance in New Bedford, MA, and can offer you a free quote for your new or existing vehicle. When you speak with a New Bedford insurance agent, you can get the best deals on local coverage to protect your car or truck throughout the year. We can also offer advice that will help you with maintenance, prevention, and safety to further protect your investment.

What are All-Weather Tires?

While they sound like the perfect tire for a place like New Bedford, where we get a diverse range of weather conditions, are all-weather tires right for you? Snow is weather, as is rain, sleet, wind, and ice, so wouldn’t an all-weather tire be the best choice for vehicle owners in Southeastern Massachusetts? The truth is that all-weather or all-season tires, as they are sometimes called, offer a mixture of benefits that can support your needs throughout the year. Unfortunately, there is no one tire that can be all things to all people in all conditions, so depending on the type of driving you do in the winter months, you might still require snow tires.

All-weather tires are designed for basic and average weather conditions. They are not intended for extreme weather conditions, such as road icing or heavy rainfall. They might also be heavier, louder, and less responsive than tires commonly used in the summer months for road trips and travel, as they have deeper treads that are needed for fall and winter use. However, those treads still might not be deep enough for areas like Massachusetts and throughout New England, where the snowfall is considerable. Regions that have mild weather can utilize all-season or all-weather tires without committing to semi-annual tire changes. But is this right for your vehicle and the type of driving you do?

What are Winter Tires?

You might want to consider investing in winter tires for your vehicle, especially if you commute for work or do a lot of winter seasonal travel. The design used for winter tires was created to help address the extreme challenges of winter weather. Soft rubber, deep tread designs, and traction-enhancing edges are just some of the elements that you will notice right away in winter tires. Much different than all-weather or all-season tires, as well as summer tires and other season-specific treads, there are many advantages to installing winter tires for those who live, work, and travel in New England.

  • Tread Rubber – It might be surprising to learn that winter tires have softer rubber than the tires you see that are called all-season. Softer rubber compounds are designed to prevent the tires from getting too stiff during very low temperatures to improve traction. The unique materials used in winter tires help them to be flexible, grip the road better, and perform great all season. Some manufacturers recommend only switching to winter tires when the temperature consistently stays below 45-degrees.
  • Tread Design – Unique tread designs are available from various tire manufacturers and have deeper tread depths than what is used during the summer or on an all-weather tire. The deeper treads help the tires to get a better grip on the road to improve traction, which is essential during the winter. A variety of unique tread patterns can help push snow and slush out of the way of the tire for improved control.
  • Biting Edges – The design features on the edges of snow tires are called “bites” because these shallow slits are intended to “bite” at the road during turns to improve snow and sleet traction during foul weather conditions. All-season tires also have what is known as biting edges, but the ones featured on winter tires are more intense to provide traction, specifically during winter weather.

Safe Driving Year Round

The more you can ensure safe driving throughout the year, the better your premium could be for auto insurance in New Bedford, MA. A good driving record goes a long way to reducing costs and helps you to protect your vehicle regardless of the weather. Speak with your New Bedford insurance agent to get a FREE quote on New Bedford car insurance or update your policy information. You can contact our team today to discuss your needs at 508-999-3636.