New Bedford Home Insurance: Top Risks of Working from Home

With so many Massachusetts homeowners working from home due to changes caused by the pandemic, it’s a good idea to consider what this might mean to your New Bedford home insurance coverage. The big question is, does working from home get covered by your MA homeowners insurance policy? The short answer is yes and no. However, the long answer can depend on many factors, such as the type of work that you do and other types of coverage that can come from your employer regarding worker compensation and health insurance. Your best bet is to contact your local agent to discuss your current policy for home insurance in New Bedford to ensure that you have all the coverage you need to protect yourself from liabilities. At Borden Insurance, we can answer any questions you might have about home, auto, personal, or business insurance coverage.

Considering the Risks

The risks involved in working from home can be quite different, depending on whether you are the sole proprietor and owner of the company or on your property and working for an outside company. The industry you work for and the arrangement you have with your employer can vary widely, so it is essential to ensure that you have all of the information necessary to provide you with accurate advice before contacting your MA homeowners insurance company. The primary risks involved in running a business of any type or working from home for an employer include:

  • Property Loss – Home insurance can cover certain apects of property loss, but you need to make sure your specific policy covers your situation and exposure.  If the work you do requires people to visit your home in person, you should contact your MA insurance agency. They will advise you to add a liability endorsement to protect you in the event of a slip, fall, or another type of accident resulting in a lawsuit.
  • Sickness & Injuries – Working from home for an employer or for yourself might mean continuing to work even though you are ill or injured because you don’t have to go to an office to get the job done. Speak with your employer to determine what coverage you have for workers’ compensation if you get injured while working for them from home and what is expected of you if you become sick.
  • Additional Liabilities – Even if you are working for an employer from your home, you might need to meet specific safety requirements to reduce the company’s liabilities for things like workers’ compensation and personal injuries. In addition to safety requirements, you may also want to make sure that your New Bedford home insurance would cover any damages to company equipment you are using from home, such as computers, smartphones, and peripherals.

Employer Responsibilities for Working from Home

A conversation with human resources, the legal department, or your direct supervisor should occur to make sure everyone knows the responsibilities that each party takes on when you work from home. Most companies will already have workers’ compensation insurance and health insurance in place for their employees. Workers’ compensation will provide lost wages to individuals when they become injured on the job. It can cover things like medical expenses and any required rehabilitation costs. Health insurance is also provided by most employers and should be discussed to ensure that no changes have been made to your current coverage or policy due to working from home.

If additional coverage needs to be added to your MA homeowners insurance policy due to working from home, you may want to speak with your employer about compensation. Your primary home insurance in New Bedford will likely not include or include very little coverage for damages to the equipment you are using that is owned by an employer. Working from home for an employer is much different than working from home as an independent contractor, subcontractor, or sole proprietor. Public liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance, and other types of coverage designed for specific types of workers working in certain industries may be required.

Contact Borden Insurance for a FREE Quote

Your best bet is to speak with an agent about your current Massachusetts homeowners insurance coverage to determine if your policy covers the changes you have made concerning employment. Working from home can have many benefits, but some additional liabilities and obligations must be considered. You can contact our team for free advice about New Bedford home insurance and get information about our personal and business insurance options by calling 508-999-3636. We can answer any questions you might have about Massachusetts homeowners insurance policies and offer insight into the different types of coverage available for individuals who work from home.