New Bedford Car Insurance: Winter Wildlife Hazards on the Road

Winter driving in New England can be challenging for those who do not have a lot of experience with winter weather like snow, high winds, and ice. For those new to the area or new drivers, it is highly recommended that you take a winter driving course that will help you to safely navigate the roadways during this time of year. Learning about braking, acceleration, changes in speed, and learning how to avoid a weather-based collision can be extremely beneficial. However, one of the hazards that can be difficult to prepare for is winter wildlife. Your local insurance agent in New Bedford could give you statistics about the number of animal-related accidents and claims in the Southcoast region. Ensure that your New Bedford car insurance policy is up-to-date and that you have the appropriate coverage for Massachusetts auto insurance to satisfy your lender. It is a good idea to touch base with your New Bedford agent at least once a year to discuss auto insurance and make sure everything is current and your limits of insurance are adequate.

Preparation is Key

While no one can be prepared for a deer jumping out of the woods and across the road, the best thing you can do is make sure your car is ready for winter weather. Driving on icy roads and highways can be hazardous, especially during a snowstorm. If you can’t just stay home and out of the bad weather, make sure that your vehicle is in the best possible condition to keep you safe. Use seasonal tires or replace tires before winter weather hits the Southcoast area to provide adequate traction, and have a winter emergency car kit in your vehicle with jumper cables, snow and ice scrapers, shovels, and extra clothing or blankets. A first-aid kit, non-perishable food items, and water bottles can also help to keep you comfortable until help can arrive.

One trick that seasoned New Englanders adhere to in the winter is to make sure they keep their vehicles gassed up at least halfway at all times. Not only will this work to reduce condensation inside the tank and prevent freezing in fuel lines, but it will also make sure you have enough fuel to keep the vehicle warm in the bitter cold should you become stranded. Check all other vehicle fluids before the first snow and throughout the winter season to make sure nothing runs low. Consider additives that prevent freezing for windshield wiper fluid and other essential fluids in your vehicle. Take time to completely clear all snow and ice from your car before driving and check to ensure that your lights and mirrors are working and adjusted correctly. The more you can do before you start driving, the better equipped you will be if a hazard jumps out in front of your vehicle.

Animal Hazards in Massachusetts

Whenever wildlife makes its way to the roads or even side of Massachusetts’ roads, it can often spell disaster. Even small animals can become a big problem if they wander out on the highway during winter weather conditions. Make sure you speak with your insurance agent in New Bedford about anything you might need to know regarding a collision that involves wildlife. Your New Bedford car insurance policy can help to cover damages caused by these types of crashes, but it pays to know ahead of time what you can expect. Most Massachusetts auto insurance policies will cover claims for damage caused by deer, moose, raccoons, coyotes and bears – all of which can be found in different parts of the state, as long as your policy includes Comprehensive coverage Part 9.  While most animals are active more during the hours of dawn and dusk, some can still be seen on the roads during broad daylight or in the middle of the night.

Auto insurance in New Bedford, MA, is designed to protect the vehicle owner in a situation that involves an accident or some other type of car-related incident. There are two potential risks associated with animals on the roadway. The first is if the driver hits the animal, which frequently leads to severe damage to the car, injury to passengers or even death. The second is when the driver swerves quickly on an icy road to avoid hitting the animal and ends up hitting another vehicle or a fixed object on public or private property. Make sure your New Bedford car insurance policy is adequate to protect you in these types of events. Again, damage to your car from hitting an animal or bird is covered by Comprehensive (usually Part 9) of your policy. The average cost for an animal-related collision can be upwards of $10,000. Statistics show that there are approximately 530,000 animal-related accidents that occur in the United States each year. However, this number can fluctuate significantly. One year there were more than a million car accidents involving deer alone due to weather pattern changes and increased numbers of animals nationwide.

Contact your Borden Insurance agent in New Bedford by calling 508-999-3636. We can go over your existing New Bedford car insurance policy with you and answer any questions you might have about coverage and winter weather driving. Get a FREE quote for Massachusetts auto insurance from Borden Insurance.