Common Changes & Updates to New Bedford Homeowners Insurance

massachusetts homeowners insuranceYour Massachusetts homeowners policy will change, grow, expand, and evolve over time throughout the many years that you spend in your home. Depending on your status when you first became a homeowner, it could change dozens of times over the years. If you purchased the home as an individual and then got married, you would change your policy to include your new spouse. If you bought the house as a couple and then started having children or adopting pets, your local insurance agency in New Bedford might suggest additional coverage that would continue to protect you and your family in the future. Your best bet is to check in regularly with your agent to discuss your New Bedford homeowners insurance coverage. This will help to ensure that nothing gets overlooked and that you are protected effectively in the event of a loss or claim.

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

There are many different types of policies and each one should be tailored to the specific needs of the homeowner. A basic policy is required by your lender and is designed to primarily cover their interests in the property, should severe damage or loss occur during the terms of your loan. Many homeowners think that this minimum coverage is all that is required to protect their investment in the property, but the truth is that this type of policy is similar to the state minimum requirements for auto insurance and is usually not enough. Sit down with your trusted agent to discuss home insurance in New Bedford and make sure that you are covered for anticipated issues and incidents. The risks to your home are determined by the age of the home, state of repair, location of the property, and other mitigating factors.

Some of those considerations include pet ownership, whether you have a pool or not, the condition of fences and gates, home security systems, outdoor lighting, and other safety products or equipment that have been installed. The best way to know what your policy covers – and what it doesn’t – is to contact your New Bedford homeowners insurance provider. At Borden Insurance, we can go over your existing coverage and talk about changes that you can make to improve your protection. Keeping in touch with your local agent can help you not only understand what your coverage is in the event that you need to file a claim, but also to ensure that you stay up-to-date on the things that should be included in your policy.

When Should You Update a Policy?

Anytime things change in your life that could impact your Massachusetts homeowners policy, you should contact your local insurance agent. Getting married or divorced, having a child, adopting a pet, and installing a pool – these are just some examples of when changes might need to be made to your New Bedford homeowners insurance policy. Did you add one of those cool video doorbell systems or boost your exterior lighting? Have you put in a brand new outdoor living space in the backyard or upgraded your kitchen to all new cabinetry and appliances? These are some of the many situations when you should let your insurance agency in New Bedford know that things have changed.

Other upgrades can include a new roof, an addition, finishing the basement or attic, and adding a storage shed out in the backyard. Putting up a new fence with locking gates to keep neighbor kids and pets out of your property and upgrading the flooring in your garage should also be noted in your policy. The reason why these things are important is that if you were ever to file a claim, you would want to be reimbursed for the value of the new items and installations, not the older versions that you replaced. Adding security systems and tools could also reduce your premium and help you save money on your home insurance in New Bedford and the surrounding area. Even if you don’t think the upgrade, new purchase, repair, or replacement makes a difference, your Borden Insurance agent is there to answer any questions you might have and offer sound advice.

Contact Borden Insurance for a FREE Quote

Whether you are a current customer or looking to make a switch, Borden Insurance can help you with a wide range of property insurance policies. Homeowners, tenants, and condo policy information can be provided to property owners through our website contact form or by calling one of our agents directly. We can help you update your existing policy, add coverage for new items, or discuss opportunities for combining home, auto, and life insurance policies to get comprehensive coverage for you and your family. Call us today at 508-999-3636. We have been insuring customers in the SouthCoast communities since 1909, and we are happy to help you find the insurance coverage that matches your needs.