Borden Insurance Agency: New Bedford Home Insurance Policy

new bedford home insuranceIt can be intimidating to think about insurance and whether you have enough to cover you in the event of a claim. It pays to work with a reputable insurance agency in New Bedford that can provide you with a comprehensive Massachusetts homeowners policy that will protect you when you need it the most. The best thing you can do as a homeowner is to schedule an annual check-up with your New Bedford insurance agent so you can go over your policy to make sure you are fully covered for any changes that you have made in your life. A remodeled kitchen, a new security system, adopting a pet, or thinking about putting in a pool – all of these lifestyle changes can impact your coverage and need to be reported and recorded as soon as possible.

What Does Your Policy Cover?

You don’t want to be sitting there someday wondering if your policy covers your property and possessions in the event of theft or vandalism. These are things that you should just know after discussions with your local insurance agency in New Bedford. You will want to know that you have adequate liability coverage if someone were to get hurt on your property and that your policy will pay out enough if you suffer a total loss and have to rebuild. Make a list of questions and bring them with you when you visit your New Bedford insurance agent. At Borden Insurance, we can answer any questions that you might have, offer options for coverage that will provide you with peace of mind, and go over any changes that might positively or negatively affect your current policy.

What Doesn’t Your Policy Cover?

On the other hand, it’s a good idea to know what your New Bedford home insurance policy does not cover. While there are many standard items that are excluded from the typical Massachusetts homeowners policy, such as earthquakes, sinkholes, nuclear hazards, government action, defective maintenance, and flooding, you can sometimes get additional coverage in high-risk areas. For example, homeowners in California will often get an extra earthquake insurance policy, while homeowners in Florida often seek flood or hurricane insurance options. Water damage can be difficult to understand concerning what’s covered and what isn’t. Speak with your New Bedford insurance agent to find out more about your standard coverage and any options for additional policies that can be added to protect your home.

What Can You Do to Lower Rates?

There are certain actions that homeowners can take that might be able to help them reduce their annual premium for New Bedford home insurance. Sometimes simple upgrades can make a big difference, but it pays to speak with your insurance agency in New Bedford first to find out whether it’s worth it to invest or not. In some areas, a simple installation of a deadbolt might make you eligible for a discount. In contrast, in other parts of the country, you might need to install a monitored burglar alarm system to make a significant dent. One good thing to know is that most policies are based on the amount of risk that the provider determines is posed to your home. So it makes sense that anything you can do to minimize the risk, such as installing a heavy-duty fence and locked gate around a swimming pool or increasing the height of fences that you share with neighbors would make a difference.

What Records Should You Keep?

Insurance industry experts recommend that homeowners keep good records about the things that they purchase, own, and any work that they do on their homes in the event that they might have to file a claim in the future. If an accident or incident occurs, the homeowner should also keep records regarding everything that has happened and document it well to make it easy for compensation to be awarded. Save all receipts, contracts, appraisals, and reports regarding the incident. You should also document any phone calls that you make in relation to the claim on your Massachusetts homeowners policy by writing down the date and time that you spoke to someone and the name and title of the person that you contacted, along with what was discussed. Consider keeping digital copies in cloud storage and keep a physical record in a safe place just in case you need it.

Contact Borden Insurance Agency in New Bedford

If you need a quote for New Bedford home insurance, either as a new homeowner or if you are thinking about switching insurance companies, contact our team at 508-999-3636. We have provided quality insurance programs for homeowners, property owners, and business owners in the SouthCoast region since 1909. We can develop a protection plan designed to suit your needs and budget. Call today for a FREE quote or more information about our options for Massachusetts homeowners policy coverage in the local area.