New Bedford Car Insurance: Tips to Vehicle Prevent Break-Ins

You park your car in a parking lot and head off into the store. Unknown to you, there’s a predator in the mall parking garage who is looking for vehicles to break into when no one is looking. You think you’re in a safe spot – there’s security everywhere and what appears to be video cameras, but the truth is that break-ins happen all the time. As a car owner, there are things you can do to reduce the risk, but it will take more than common sense to do it right. Your New Bedford insurance agent wants to help you protect your investment from theft or vandalism. While there is no 100 percent foolproof method to prevent car thieves from targeting your vehicle, the more you can do to make your car less appealing, the better.

Eliminate Attractive Items

There are certain things that thieves look for in this type of smash-and-grab situation. Insurance companies in New Bedford, MA, and all over the United States keep statistics on the types of items that attract thieves the most. When you get an auto insurance quote in MA, make sure that your policy covers you for theft. In Massachusetts, most polcies do not cover personal property left in a car. A tenants policy or homeowners policy would be necessary to insure such items.  Some of the most attractive items, according to statistics, include:

  • wallets
  • purses
  • mail
  • laptop
  • briefcase, backpack, laptop case, electronics cases
  • MP3 players, video games, and other small electronics
  • CDs
  • expensive sunglasses
  • cash – including coins
  • keys

If you can look inside your vehicle and see any of these items, you have just made your vehicle a target for parking lot thieves. This type of theft can happen anywhere, including workplace parking lots, grocery stores, shopping malls, big-box stores, home improvement stores, banks, restaurants, coffee shops, doctor’s offices, hospitals, and even police stations. Take a walk around your closed and locked vehicle. If you see anything inside that catches your eye, the chances are good that thieves will notice it too. Even a shopping bag used as a trash bag might look like it has newly purchased items in it. Use something else to stow tissues and napkins on your next road trip – it’s much safer.

Think About Where You Park

Just because you’re in a paid lot or parking garage does not mean that your vehicle is safe. Your New Bedford insurance agent could probably give you lots of examples of thefts made in seemingly secure parking areas. When you park your car, make sure that you park near other cars. Choose a spot that is nearby pedestrian or vehicle traffic. Thieves don’t want an audience when they break-in your car. Select a well-lit spot that will provide you with some safety when you come out to your vehicle. Even if you park during daylight, consider all of the parking lot lighting around you when you choose your spot.

If you have your choice of where to park, pick a lot that has an attendant and security that patrols regularly. Even if there are cameras present, it does not mean that they are operational or that anyone is monitoring them. Go with the sure bet and pick a lot where attendants are present the whole time the lot is open. If you don’t feel safe in a particular lot, you can always move on to somewhere else. Most lots will refund your money if you don’t park inside – especially if you tell them that you don’t feel safe leaving your vehicle. If you really feel uncomfortable, it’s likely that others have expressed their concerns as well.

Use Anti-Theft Measures

Good habits can help a lot in discouraging theft in New Bedford. Your car insurance might not cover theft loss of your car if you don’t lock your doors or leave your windows down and your keys are left in it. Visible proof of forced entry should be present to be certain of coverage. Check with your trusted New Bedford insurance agent for additional tips, such as activating a security system, adding after-market security features, and being smart about where you leave your keys. Those hide-a-key systems are very well-known, and thieves are very aware of all the places that people stow extra keys. Be careful where you keep important papers and other personal information. Never leave the title to the car in your car. Thieves like to grab everything out of glove compartments and center consoles when they smash-and-grab, just in case there’s something worthwhile.

Get Quality Auto Insurance Coverage

The best way to protect your vehicle is to work with reputable insurance companies in New Bedford, MA. Borden Insurance has proudly served the Greater New Bedford area for more than a century. If you need an auto insurance quote in MA, make sure to contact our team by calling 508-999-3636. We can answer any questions you might have about New Bedford car insurance and provide you with details on how to reduce your monthly premium costs while maintaining comprehensive auto insurance coverage for your vehicle.