Massachusetts Auto Insurance: Should You Invest in Snow Tires?

Massachusetts auto insuranceThere are a few places across the country where people assume you should purchase snow tires. Montana, Washington, Michigan, Colorado, and New England are just some of the locations where you might think snow tires are a must. However, in most states, the laws dictate that the driver must have snow tires with a deep tread or an all wheel drive (AWD) vehicle during certain conditions. This leaves lots of questions concerning snow tires, such as if you have an AWD vehicle, will you ever need special tires, or can you just continue to use your regular tires all year long?

New Bedford car insurance is designed to protect the vehicle owner year-round, so a good place to start might be to contact your Massachusetts auto insurance provider. You can also lookup the local laws, which can be smart if you are traveling outside the state, to make sure you are in compliance. Auto insurance companies offer sound advice to their customers about driving safety in rain, sleet, snow, and hot, sunny weather, so contact Borden Insurance Agency in New Bedford directly if you have any questions.

Modern Snow Tires

If you grew up in Massachusetts or another area where there was a lot of snow, you probably remember the “old school” snow tires that your father or grandfather used to put on the car. Some had metal studs or spikes, both of which made a lot of noise when you hit plowed or dry pavement, most likely doing damage to the asphalt in the process. Today’s snow tires have evolved. In fact, many in the tire industry now refer to them as “winter tires” because they were created to handle everything that this season could throw at them. Extremely low temperatures, snow, and ice are just some of the conditions that they are designed to withstand.

Instead of metal spikes and studs, today’s winter tires provide other methods for gripping onto black ice, packed snow, and slush. Even if you live in an area where the snowplows eventually get there to clear the road, these winter tires offer a clear advantage. The materials used to make these high-tech seasonal tires are designed to allow the tire to remain soft and pliable like regular tires, even in extremely cold temperatures. It provides drivers with the best of both worlds, all the grip that they need, with a smooth and controlled ride. These designers have thought of everything! Modern winter tires can even improve braking, cutting the travel distance in half compared to all-season tires.

AWD or Snow Tires?

Some automotive industry and safety experts believe that all wheel drive vehicles can give drivers a false sense of security. AWD is not free or cheap; in fact, it can add up to $3,000 on the price tag of the vehicle. Many drivers who do a lot of commuting or other winter travel opt to get both purchasing winter tires and a set of basic wheels to keep them ready to go when the season hits. This approach can save you from having to get them mounted and balanced each year at the cost of $80-100 per wheel. Store them properly, keeping them free of dirt, dust, and debris, and they can last you a few years.

There is still value in purchasing AWD vehicles, particularly the power provided when the wheels begin to slip. With an AWD, you will increase your ability to take on steep inclines and deep snow in the winter, increase the resale value of your vehicle, and can avoid having to put on chains in areas where other drivers are being stopped at checkpoints. Regardless of the type of vehicle you own, car or truck, make sure to purchase the right tires. You can get advice from a trusted technician at your local tire store or consult with the manufacturer and dealership directly. If you take your time, do a bit of research, and do it right, it will make all the difference in safety, performance, and value.

Protect Your Vehicle: New Bedford Car Insurance

The best way to protect your automotive investment year-round is to work with reputable auto insurance companies and have a policy designed to offer you the best possible coverage. Massachusetts auto insurance has a basic minimum requirement, but when you move beyond those standards and begin to look at additional coverage options, that’s when you have the opportunity to protect yourself. Contact Borden Insurance Agency in New Bedford to discuss your existing coverage, get a FREE quote for new insurance, or ask questions about your policy. You can reach our team at 508-999-3636 for quality insurance in the SouthCoast communities.