Home for the Holidays: MA Homeowners Insurance in New Bedford

new bedford home insuranceProtect your home from holiday hazards this year with our special guide to home safety. Your New Bedford home insurance policy is designed to protect you from things like damage caused by storms, fire, and other natural disasters. However, there’s no MA homeowners insurance policy that will protect you from your own neglect. Take time to inspect all of your holiday decorations, special appliances, and anything else that you use during this season to ensure that it is in safe and good working order. The holidays can be a great time to celebrate with family, friends, and loved ones. Visit your local New Bedford insurance agent to go over your current policy to make sure you are properly covered for the holidays and throughout the year.

Hazard #1 – Holiday Decorations

Take care when decking the halls and use safety ladders and tools to help you achieve your goals. Carefully check wires and cords to make sure that they are in safe working order before attempting to use them in your holiday decorating. Don’t stand on chairs, even just for a moment. Keep electrical and breakable decorations up and away from small children and pets. If you use candles, make sure that they are not located near the tree and that they are away from other flammable objects, pets, and children. If you use an artificial tree, make sure it has a label that states “fire-resistant” on it. Never set a tree up near a fireplace, HVAC vent, or space heater – even if it’s plastic.

Hazard #2 – Holiday Cooking

‘Tis the season to bake and cook. Unfortunately, distractions posed by guests and excited family members often lead to fires or burned food in the kitchen. Never leave a stove unattended, especially if you have pets or small children. Consider setting up a gate or barricade to keep pets and kids away from the kitchen, so you don’t have to worry about them rushing up when you open the oven. Take care to ensure that no decorative items, towels, pot holders, or flammable things are anywhere near a heat source in the kitchen. Speak with your New Bedford home insurance agency if you do any significant home remodeling in advance of the holidays that should be included in your MA homeowners insurance policy.

Hazard #3 – Holiday Shopping

Taking care shouldn’t just happen at home, but everywhere you are this holiday season. Be careful when shopping at malls and shopping centers. Park your vehicle in a well-lit area and never leave shopping bags or purchases in plain view. Lock everything in your trunk to remove temptation from would-be thieves. Even if your bags don’t contain something expensive, they don’t know that. It would be awful to have your vehicle broken into for something that only costs $20. Be careful not to carry large amounts of cash and leave any credit cards you won’t be using at home. Be watchful with your bank statements during the holidays to make sure there isn’t any suspicious activity.

Hazard #4 – Holiday Gifts

Sometimes the gifts we get can be hazardous – especially small appliances and electronics. The deep turkey fryer causes problems for homeowners every year, and new items, such as electric pressure cookers, air fryers, and mixers, should be used with care. Read the instructions that come with the appliance and follow all of the recommended use guides that are included. Don’t try to use a small appliance in a way that it was not intended, regardless of how many online videos and social media posts you see urging you to try. Inspect the new item carefully for any frayed, disconnected, or loose wiring and never try to use something that is damaged in some way.

Home Insurance in New Bedford

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reveals that approximately 200 home fires per year happened because of holiday trees between 2011 and 2015. Some of the underlying causes include cheap electrical holiday lights that come from discount dealers, broken electrical sockets indoors and outdoors, frayed wires, and loose connections. It’s funny when the comedian in the holiday movie plugs in too many cords and talks about the whiff of ozone, but overloaded outlets with too many devices can cause a fire.

At Borden Insurance, we work to provide our customers with the best possible options for New Bedford home insurance. A little bit of knowledge and safety can go a long way to protect our customers year-round. If you are interested in getting a FREE quote for MA homeowners insurance or if you would like to speak with a New Bedford insurance agent about your existing policy, give us a call at 508-999-3636.