New Bedford Auto Insurance: How to Protect Your Car in Winter

Winter Car Protection in New BedfordThe winter season can wreak havoc on your vehicle in the Greater New Bedford area. Snow, ice and slush aren’t even the half of it. Salt, sand, and de-icing chemicals effectively finish the job and can cause damage to everything from your tires to your undercarriage. Your New Bedford insurance agent wants to help you protect your car from winter damage. Take a look at the following tips and make sure to update your Massachusetts auto insurance with your local insurance agency in New Bedford to ensure adequate coverage. You can get a FREE auto insurance quote when you call Borden Insurance.

Protecting from Ice Melt Products

Back in the day, car owners used to apply used motor oil to the chassis to prevent corrosion from causing damage to their vehicles. This practice is now illegal in most states, but the good news is that there are other solutions that you can use that work even better. The salt, ash, sand, and other chemicals used to melt the ice and improve grip during inclement weather are extremely damaging to any exposed metal parts on your vehicle. Keeping your new car rust-free is essential in the northeast, not just to protect your investment, but also so it will look and perform it’s very best. Don’t underestimate the damaging power of rust.

Start by washing your vehicle as often as you can, especially if you regularly drive through treated areas. Visit a professional car wash establishment or wash it yourself using a quality soap to make sure you get everything off of the tires, wheel wells, and paint. If it takes a couple of bucks to add the undercarriage wash at the local car wash, invest in it because it truly makes a big difference in keeping your car rust-free. Make sure to fully dry your vehicle before taking off so the water won’t freeze.

BONUS TIP – Waxing your vehicle is also a great barrier to winter damage. It provides an extra layer of protection from all of the dirt, grime, and chemicals out on the road. Before the first snowfall, apply a good quality wax and reapply again after every car wash.

Keep an Eye Out for Chips

Take a walk-around of your vehicle on a regular basis to check for any chips in the paint or other defects that result in exposed metal. This is how rust begins. Speak with the local dealer or contact the manufacturer to find out about touch-up paint that will match the factory color on your vehicle. All it takes is one little chip or ding made by a rock on the road for rust to set in and ruin the integrity of your car or truck. When you get an oil change, take a peek at the underside of your vehicle and check it for rust and other damage. Undercoating spray is a much better solution to the old-fashioned “used motor oil” approach, and it’s totally legal. When properly applied, it can protect your car for years.

The more you can do to proactively protect your vehicle in the winter and the rest of the year, the better you will be able to ensure that it looks and performs great for many years into the future. Your New Bedford insurance agent wants to help you protect your car, too. If you do not already have Massachusetts auto insurance or are looking to switch providers, contact Borden Insurance Agency in New Bedford to get a FREE auto insurance quote. Make sure that you are adequately protected in the event of any type of accident or incident. Auto insurance may be required by Massachusetts law, but it is something that can protect you when you need it the most.

Get a FREE auto insurance quote by calling 508-999-3636 and speak with one of our agents about Massachusetts auto insurance through Borden Insurance in New Bedford, MA. We can answer any questions that you might have about our insurance policy options for full or minimum coverage, as well as other personal insurance options at our insurance agency in New Bedford. If you haven’t updated your policy in a while, contact an agent today to discuss any changes that might have occurred that could impact your policy. The more you can do to stay up-to-date with your coverage, the better protected you will be.