Seasonal Driving Tips From Your New Bedford Insurance Agent
Borden Insurance Agency in New Bedford wants to make sure that our customers, friends, and neighbors are ready for the coming fall season. With fewer hours of daylight and changes in the weather, it can quickly become very unsafe out on our Massachusetts roads. Drivers can have a hard time seeing and navigating safely during their commute, which likely begins and ends in the dark. Here are some tips from your local MA auto insurance agent that you can use to your advantage. Preparation is key to avoiding common accidents and pitfalls during this time of year.
Watch Out for Rainy Weather
Perhaps the worst hazard is rainy weather conditions. Even when you know there’s a chance for rain in the forecast; it never comes at a convenient time. Studies have been conducted by Massachusetts auto insurance experts, revealing some of the issues that drivers can watch out for to avoid typical accidents and auto damage. When the rain begins to pool on top of the roadway, it can become very slippery. This is especially true when it is the first rain in a while and the pavement is covered in oil, dust, and debris. Speaking of debris, leaves litter the roads in New England during this time of year, making it difficult to see traffic lanes and other essential markings. Leaves will even cover up potholes and make your vehicle more susceptible to damage.
Other weather conditions to be aware of include frost, which can create ice spots on bridges, overpasses and other areas before other parts of the road get icy. This typically occurs when the temperatures drop drastically at night, so keep an eye out on the local weather report during this time of year. Fog can limit your visibility when driving and that first snow of the season often comes out of nowhere, so just be ready and prepared. The best way to avoid all of these potential risks is to stick to the speed limit, slowing down when the road becomes slippery and pay attention to situations that could make things worse. Leaves, rain, frost, and snow, are just some of the things your insurance agency in New Bedford wants you to look out for on the road.
Keep an Eye Out for Wildlife
Most Massachusetts residents know that this is a big time of year for deer and other wildlife to make their way out on the roadway. While you want to avoid a collision with an animal, be careful not to make quick movements to swerve out of the way. This could cause you to lose control of the car, potentially still hitting the animal and damaging your vehicle in the process. Massachusetts auto insurance adjusters deal with lots of animal-related collisions and claims during this time of year. Your best bet is to put the brakes on firmly, keeping both hands fixed to the wheel so you can make a controlled stop. This will prevent sliding and slipping, especially on curvy or narrow roads that don’t have a lot of shoulder space to pull over or go around the animal.
Back to School Season
Fall is also the time that local children go back to school. They might be excited and simply not paying attention, so it’s up to you to watch out for them. In addition, all the extra back-to-school traffic with buses and parents taking their kids to school might cause delays. It’s a good idea to leave home or the office a little early, so you have time to be patient and wait for kids crossing the street or deal with the extra traffic. If you live or work near a school zone, you are probably already aware of the slower speed limit and increase in pedestrian crossing. Either avoid the area by going around the school zone or give yourself extra time to leave so you won’t be late.
Visibility Issues
While we already covered issues with visibility caused by the weather, it is important to point out that there are other problems that can come from the position of the sun. Because of the shorter days and longer nights, your commute may start and end in the dark, but you will also likely be driving during the sunrise and sunset, which can result in excessive glare. While most glare only lasts for a few seconds, it can impact your vision just long enough to cause you to miss something important, such as pedestrians, obstacles in the road, or other vehicles.
Get an Auto Insurance Quote in New Bedford
Fall is also an excellent time to review your Massachusetts auto insurance policy and make sure that you have enough coverage. You can get a FREE auto insurance quote in New Bedford by calling Borden Insurance Agency at 508-999-3636. It is important to have an MA auto insurance agent you can trust to provide you with comprehensive insurance solutions. Borden Insurance Agency has proudly served clients in the Greater New Bedford area since 1909.