New Bedford Car Insurance: Preparing Your Vehicle for Summer

Prepare Vehicle for Summer in New BedfordThe warmer weather that we experience during the summer months can be hard on your car. Regardless of the age of your vehicle, it’s a good idea to do everything you can to prepare it for summer temperatures. The heat works to expand the air in your tires, and the cooling system has to work a lot harder. Other areas of your vehicle can be hard hit as well. Your MA auto insurance agent wants you to have a fun and enjoyable summer. The best way to do that is to be prepared. Stop by Borden Insurance Agency in New Bedford to go over your current policy. If you haven’t updated your information in awhile, now is a great time to make sure that everything is correct on your policy for auto insurance in New Bedford, MA.

Start With the Tires

If you had snow tires on your vehicle and hadn’t changed them yet, do that first. Check the air pressure in your tires before storing them away. Winter tires are great for snow and ice, but they will wear away quickly under the hot summer sun. Use special summer tires or all-season tires instead and make sure that they are in good condition. For an easier transition, it’s best to have two full sets of wheels. Having one set mounted with quality snow tires and the second set mounted with all-season tires will save you a lot of time and hassle when you change them around each year. It will also save you money if you take your tires to a service provider who will charge you each time for remounting and balancing them every season.

Make sure that your tires are inflated properly. Check the air pressure on the tires and also on the driver’s side door jamb for the correct figures. For best results, check the pressure when the tires are cold so you the pressure won’t be influenced by the heat of the day. First thing in the morning is usually the best time before the sun has a chance to warm things up inside your tires. Tires that are properly inflated will last longer and improve gas mileage.  Take care of your car and your car will take care of you.

Test the A/C System

While your heater might have worked fine in the winter, that doesn’t mean that your air conditioner will work just as well in the summer. Run it for a little while to see if it is blowing cool air. If there are any unusual sounds or unpleasant odors, you might need to get it inspected. Start by replacing the cabin air filter and then try it again. If you still have trouble, take your vehicle in for a check with a trusted mechanic. The system might need to be recharged, but it could just as easily need a simple cleaning. Leaks can be repaired, and coolant can be charged, so don’t just give up on your A/C if you have a problem.

While you’re thinking about summer weather, take some time to check out your windshield wiper blades and the wiper fluid. Spring and summertime rains can result in dangerous accidents, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. Ask about specialty wiper fluid that can prevent your windows from fogging up and other options that are especially good at removing dead bugs and debris. This can be important for those who travel in areas where this is a problem. Your MA auto insurance agent wants you to be safe year-round. Look for other ways to increase safe driving and keep your New Bedford car insurance policy information handy.

Check the Essential Fluids

Your vehicle is also under a lot of strain during the winter months, so it’s a good idea to check everything out, especially if you are planning a road trip. Auto insurance in New Bedford, MA is designed to protect you during an accident, but if you neglect basic maintenance on your vehicle, you are only hurting yourself. Do a complete under the hood inspection and check the battery and all essential fluids. Remove any corrosion from the battery terminals and consider bringing it in for a voltage check. Bring your vehicle in for an oil change on a regular basis – especially in the summer. Don’t take advice from anyone else. Make sure to read the manufacturer’s recommendations in the owner’s manual.

Check the fluid in the reservoir and top it off or replace it, as needed. If you notice that the brake fluid is low, bring it to the dealer or a trusted mechanic to look at your brake system. Low levels in the brake fluid could be a sign of a leak or an issue with the wear on the pads. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Your local insurance agency in New Bedford also wants to remind you that now is a great time to check your brakes. Replace brake pads and rotors before they get too worn to ensure that you have enough stopping time to prevent an accident. This is one repair that you should never put off for the safety of yourself, your passengers, your vehicle, and everyone on the road around you.

Get a FREE quote for New Bedford car insurance by calling 508-999-3636. Speak with one of our agents about auto insurance in New Bedford, MA for your vehicle. Keep reading our blog for more tips from your MA insurance agent at Borden Insurance Agency in New Bedford.