How to Avoid Distracted Driving: New Bedford Auto Insurance

Distracted Driving in New BedfordWhile there are lots of commercials and public service announcements that target teen drivers concerning distracted driving, the truth is that everyone is guilty of it in some form or another. The most common types of distracted driving that people talk about are in relation to using cell phones to make calls or text and using mp3 players or other devices to listen to music. However, depending on your age, lifestyle, and busy schedule, there are other things that distract drivers from the road in front of them. Your MA auto insurance agent wants to help you learn more ways to be safe on the road. Borden Insurance Agency in New Bedford has a series of tips available that you can use to focus on the road and avoid accidents.

Tip #1 – Stow Your Phone

One of the best tips regarding cell phones is to store them in a center console or glove compartment while driving. This eliminates the temptation to look at texts while driving. Even hands-free devices that are available in most cars that work off of Bluetooth connections can be dangerous. Just a quick glance could cause you to miss visual or audible cues that could help you to avoid getting into an accident. If you need to make a call, answer a call, or shut off an alert or other distraction, pull over safely to the right shoulder or get off the road entirely and take care of it in a gas station parking lot.

Tip #2 – Sleepy Driving

Another big distraction that is often overlooked is the sleepy driver. Your chances of being in an accident get multiplied by four when you are driving drowsy. Studies conducted by the U.S. government have revealed that more than 35 percent of all drivers have nodded off or have even actually fallen asleep at least once in their lifetimes. That’s a scary thought! If you feel tired, get off the road and figure something else out. If you have another driver in the vehicle with you, consider letting them drive for a while. Don’t think you can drink a bunch of coffee, eat a lot of sugar, and then get back on the road. In fact, coffee and sugar can sometimes have the opposite effect, increasing your chances of being in an accident.

Tip #3 – Take a Safety Course

Even if you have been driving for many years, it doesn’t hurt to take a refresher course. Ask your MA auto insurance agent about safety courses in your area. For teen and senior drivers, taking these courses could reduce your premium for Massachusetts auto insurance. The more you know about safety and the better you are at putting it into practice, the less likely you are to be in an accident. Just like having New Bedford home insurance to protect your residential property, auto insurance in New Bedford, MA is part of owning a car. The more you can do to protect your investment through regular vehicle maintenance, learning safe driving tips, and getting quality insurance coverage, the better.

Tip #4 – Talk to Kids About Safety

While we all know that it’s important to talk with teen drivers about safety, many parents don’t have similar talks with younger children. Kids will frequently have issues while out on the road. Someone always needs to use the restroom, get a tissue, cry about a toy they dropped, or complain about a sibling. However, the more you can do to educate your children about on-the-road safety and preventing distractions during your daily commute or on a family trip, the easier it will be to keep everything under control. The age-old parent threat to “pull the car over” can still be used. However, instead of threatening, actually pull over to have discussions, retrieve dropped toys, and stop fights.

Tip #5 – Avoid Multi-Tasking

We do a lot of things in our cars. We eat, we drink, we blow our noses – we even clean our glasses. However, all of these things are distractions that could lead to disaster. Your MA auto insurance agent wants to remind you that a busy schedule is no excuse for driving distracted. You owe it to yourself, your family, and other drivers on the road to eliminate multi-tasking while driving. We’ve all seen people putting on makeup, fixing their hair, using hand sanitizer, and changing radio stations while driving. Unfortunately, all of these tasks are very distracting and can lead to accidents. Consider waking up earlier in the morning to get the things done that you usually do in the car. It can reduce your chances of being in an accident considerably.

Call Borden Insurance for a FREE Quote

If you are in the market for auto insurance in New Bedford, MA and the surrounding area, make sure to contact Borden Insurance Agency. Speak with a MA auto insurance agent to get a FREE QUOTE for Massachusetts auto insurance. We also offer a variety of other insurance options, including New Bedford home insurance, boat insurance, life insurance, and commercial business insurance opportunities. Give us a call at 508-999-3636 and speak with one of our agents to learn more about all of the policies available through Borden Insurance Agency in New Bedford.