New Bedford Auto Insurance: Add a Teen Driver to Your Policy

While some people might be afraid of ghosts, goblins, and ghouls this time of year, for parents who have teenagers taking driver’s education at school this semester, those things will often pale in comparison. However, getting car insurance in New Bedford for your teen driver doesn’t have to be a nightmare. If you work with your MA auto insurance agent at Borden Insurance, you can make sure you get the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Your New Bedford insurance agent can help you navigate the frightening world of teen drivers and make suggestions that could save you money.

Decreasing Rates for Teen Drivers?
Recent studies have shown that the cost to add a teen driver to an annual policy has dropped in recent years, down to an average 78 percent increase from an average increase of 85 percent back in 2013. While this will still increase your premium by a substantial amount, the trend is headed in the right direction. There are ways to lower your premium even further, such as participating in driver’s education training and safety programs. Some states even have graduated driving programs that put restrictions on new drivers as they gain experience and improve their driving skills.

There is a noticeable difference in rates based on gender as well. The average policy rate increases for car insurance in New Bedford and across the country for male teenagers is 89 percent, while female teenagers only saw a rate increase of around 66 percent.  Statistically, young male drivers are more prone to accidents in the first few months of driving than young female drivers. Sadly, motor vehicle crashes are still currently the leading cause of death for teens in America, according to statistics published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Visit Your New Bedford Insurance Agent
The best thing to do to avoid the shock of adding a teen to your auto insurance in New Bedford, MA is to visit your local agent before your teen gets his or her driving permit. There are different rates applied for different states, and there are other factors that will be considered when determining the specific premium rates for your teen. Some insurance companies are able to offer discounts for teen drivers based upon behavior, such as good grades and participation in driver’s education classes at school or in a private program.

You can also learn about any restrictions in Massachusetts for teen drivers. Some states have curfews aimed at preventing night driving or limiting the number of passengers in the vehicle. The goal is to create better, safer drivers and reduce the risk for crashes. The type of vehicle that you own will also play a part in the cost of car insurance in New Bedford. Obviously, a brand new, expensive sports car will cost a lot more than an older, fully paid off family safety vehicle. Allowing the teen to drive the “family car” has also been determined to be much safer, at least in the first year of driving, than to provide the teen with their own vehicle.

Distracted Driving Tips
Anyone who lives with a teen knows that they are quite distracted with everything else going on around them. From text messages to social media, giggling friends to thinking about crushes, there’s a lot out there in the world that could cause their eyes to move away from the road. The importance of safety classes, family rules about cell phones, and leading by example are all great ways to help your teen learn how to be a safe driver from the very first moment they get behind the wheel. Speak with your MA auto insurance agent about other safety programs in your area that may even earn you a little discount for your policy.

Get a FREE quote for car insurance by contacting your New Bedford insurance agent. You can reach Borden Insurance Agency by calling 508-999-3636. We provide a wide range of policy options for families in the Greater New Bedford area, offering you the opportunity to protect your vehicle. Call today and speak with one of our agents to learn more about policies and options for teen drivers in our SouthCoast communities.