New Bedford Homeowners Insurance: Autumn Seasonal Repair Tips
Each season represents a brand new quarter of homeownership. There are certain types of home repair that should be done at the start of each season to ensure that your home stays in good working condition, especially during inclement weather conditions. Massachusetts homeowners insurance covers you for lots of different types of accidents and damage caused by natural situations, but it won’t protect you if you don’t take care of your home. Make sure to contact your agent to talk about home insurance in New Bedford and to ensure that you have the MA homeowners insurance coverage you need to protect your assets. Your local insurance agency in New Bedford will also have more tips that you can use to prepare for the fall season and make sure that you have everything in order before the next winter in New England begins.
Late Summer to Early Fall
It can be difficult to predict when the temperatures will begin to drop in the South Coast area. Whether you live in Southeastern Massachusetts or Rhode Island, it pays to have top quality coverage to protect your home investment. Your New Bedford homeowners insurance policy should be checked and updated at least annually to note any upgrades, remodeling or renovations that have been done and to make sure that you are properly covered in an emergency situation.
HVAC System and Filters
Even if it feels like the summer might drag on, it is important to perform certain checks that will ensure that your HVAC system is ready for cold weather. If you have a fireplace, take time to contact a cleaning company and have it cleaned and checked before making your first fire of the season. Heating and cooling should be checked, filters should be replaced, and your air duct system should be inspected. Doing this early will help you save time and money when everyone else in the local area is scrambling to get the work done before the first cold storm.
Check the Roof and Gutters
Before the wind, snow, and ice hit the New England region, it’s a good idea to inspect your roof and gutters to make sure they are in good condition. While inspecting the gutters, it is also a good time to clean out any dirt, leaves, pine needles, and debris to prevent clogging and other related issues. While up on the roof, you will also want to check the flashing material around your chimney and other roof openings to ensure that nothing is leaking. Ask your Massachusetts homeowners insurance provider about possible premium discounts for making improvements to your home.
Plumbing Issues
The moment you notice any plumbing issues, you should attempt to get them fixed. If you have any leaky faucets, you should repair them before the cold season hits. You don’t want to end up with a broken pipe in the middle of winter when plumbing costs go up, and your insurance agency in New Bedford might not be able to cover damages due to a known issue. Even if you don’t suspect a leaky faucet, toilet or another part of your home’s plumbing, take time to inspect everything in bathrooms, the kitchen, utility rooms, basements, crawl spaces, and any other areas that might contain plumbing.
Windows and Doors
Does your home have a proper air seal? Consider having your home checked for drafts. Windows and doors are the two biggest culprits for heat loss. Make sure they are sealed and caulked before the cold weather hits, and you could save money on your utility costs for heating and cooling, as well as reduce the strain on your HVAC system. Consider upgrading windows to Energy Star rated materials if your home is older and you haven’t already upgraded your windows since it was built. Ask your agent to find out if MA homeowners insurance discounts are available for upgrading windows, doors, and other security-related items for your home.
Contact Borden Insurance in New Bedford, MA
If you are in the market for home insurance in New Bedford and the surrounding area, make sure to contact Borden Insurance by calling 508-999-3636. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable agents can help you get the Massachusetts homeowners insurance coverage you need at a price that you can afford. So whether you need MA homeowners insurance for a brand new property or if you are thinking about switching providers, you can count on Borden Insurance Agency in New Bedford for all of your homeowners insurance needs.