Hidden Dangers: MA Auto Insurance Safe Driving Tips for Fall

Cooler temperatures, rainy days, fall leaves, and pumpkin spice latte. If those were the only things to consider when the fall season comes about, there would be no concerns for New Bedford drivers. But the truth is that there are lots of dangers that only occur during the months between Labor Day and the first snowfall that you need to prepare for as a driver. It is important to make sure that everything is current with your auto insurance in New Bedford, MA. Make time to stop by and chat with your MA auto insurance agent or at least give them a call. Check on your current coverage and update phone numbers, email addresses, and any other relevant contact information at this time.

Massachusetts auto insurance policies are designed to cover you in the event of an accident. However, your goal as a vehicle owner is to avoid accidents at all costs. You don’t ever want to have to file a claim against your car insurance in New Bedford. But if you do, just know that Borden Insurance Agency will be there by your side to make sure you get all of the help you need to get back on the road as quickly as possible. The more information you provide about your vehicle, where it is parked, how it is driven, and who is driving it, the easier it will be for us to make sure you have the coverage your car needs to protect it in any situation.

That Time Change
While Daylight Savings lasts a little longer than it used to, it still begins to get darker earlier in New England during the fall. Instead of driving to and from work in the daylight, you might suddenly find yourself commuting in the dark. Make sure your headlights are up for the challenge and that they are clean and working as they should. Include a safety kit in your trunk with flares, flashlights, reflective triangles, and other essential tools to protect you and your vehicle if you were to break down on the side of the road. Your New Bedford insurance agent has even more tips for driving in the dark that you can use to your advantage.

School Crossings
The kids also head back to school in the fall, which means watching out for buses, stopping or slowing down in school zones, and making sure you are aware of all bus stops and school areas in your neighborhood and throughout your daily commute. Increased pedestrian traffic from parents, crossing guards, and people just out enjoying the cooler weather should also be considered during this time of year. Pay attention to signs and flashing lights on buses. You also don’t want to get a back to school traffic ticket that could potentially impact your rates for car insurance in New Bedford.

Rainy Weather & Slick Roads
When it rains for the first time after a period of dryness during the summer, the roads can be extra slick due to the build-up of dust, dirt, oil, and leaves that haven’t been washed away in awhile. Even if it has been raining, still be careful on leaf-lined streets where leaves and twigs can become a real hazard on the roads. Piles of leaves can also hide curbs, driveways, potholes, and street markings, making it easy for drivers to make costly errors. Keep your wits about you and be alert when driving during fall rains.

Another thing that New Englanders need to consider in the fall is the influx of tourists who come to see all the beautiful leaves and trees. Watch for out-of-state license plates that can be a signal of lookie-loos out for a day of admiring our local leaves. Be patient and stay alert in case they slow down or stop suddenly when they see something new. Be especially aware around tourist areas, restaurants, and other points of interest. Your MA auto insurance agent can help you if you are in an accident with an out-of-state driver. Make sure to keep your Massachusetts auto insurance card with you at all times and contact your MA auto insurance agent as soon as possible if you are in a collision.

Call Borden Insurance Agency for a FREE Quote
If you are in need of auto insurance in New Bedford, MA and the surrounding area, please give us a call at 508-999-3636. Our team of highly trained and experienced New Bedford insurance agents can help you get the Massachusetts auto insurance coverage you need at a price that you can afford. With over 100 years of experience serving drivers in the Greater New Bedford area, Borden Insurance Agency has all of the policy and coverage options required for car insurance in New Bedford and beyond.